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Scientific articles
- Lyons, A., Gísladóttir, J. and Kokorsch, M. (2024). Using photovoice to investigate the impact of place attachment on community resilience in Iceland
- Simmons, F., Hennig, B.D. and Kokorsch, M. (2024). Digital Walking Tours as a Tool for Assessing Place Attachment and Community Responses to Regional Environmental Change
- Baron, N., Heidenreich, S. and Kokorsch, M. (2024). To relocate, or not? The future of small and remote communities in the Nordic Countries facing natural hazards
- Eriksson, K., Sjöström, J. and Plathner, F.V. (2024). “This community will grow” — little concern for future wildfires in a dry and increasingly hotter Swedish rural community
- Kvarnlöf, L. and Eriksson, K. (2024). Filling the void_Rural disaster volunteerism during the Swedish wildfires of 2018
- Kongsager, R. (2024). The tunnels are a prerequisite for living here: lessons from the Faroe Islands on how push-pull factors affect populations in small remote communities
- Kongsager, R. and Baron, N. (2024). Place attachment, storms, and climate change in the Faroe Islands
- Heidenreich, S. and Næss, R. (2024)._Controlling the water_citizens’ place–related adaptation to landslides in mid-Norway
- Nedergaard, M. and Baron, N. (2023). Water under the bridge: how place meanings shape second homeowners’ engagement in flood risk management in southern Denmark
- Kokorsch, M. and Gísladóttir, J. (2023). “You talk of threat, but we think of comfort”: the role of place attachment in small remote communities in Iceland that experience avalanche threat
- Harnesk, D., Pascual, D. and Olsson, L. (2023). Compound hazards of climate change, forestry, and other encroachments on winter pasturelands: a storyline approach in a forest reindeer herding community in Northern Sweden
- Bakke Lie, L., de Korte, L. and Pursiainen, C.H. (2023). “Here, I will stay until I die”—exploring the relationship between place attachment, risk perception, and coping behavior in two small Norwegian communities
- Harnesk, D. (2022). The decreasing availability of reindeer forage in boreal forests during snow cover periods: A Sámi pastoral landscape perspective in Sweden
- Olsson, L., Thorén, H., Harnesk, D. & Persson, J. (2022). Ethics of Probabilistic Extreme Event Attribution in Climate Change Science: A Critique
- Thorén, H., Persson, J. & Olsson, L. (2021) A Pluralist Approach To Epistemic Dilemmas in Event Attribution Science
Policy briefs
Emergency management in small remote communities – an urgent issue in the Nordic countries. Baron, N., Andersen, N.B., Taarup, J. and Kongsager, R. (2023)
How to improve climate change adaptation in rural areas of the Nordic Region. Eriksson, K., Heidenreich, S. and Baron, N. (2023)
Case 5: Norway - Landslides (English / Norwegian)
Case 6: Norway - Flashfloods (English / Norwegian)
Case 7: Iceland - Avalanches (English / Icelandic)
Case 1: Denmark - Flooding
Case 2: Denmark - Cloudburst
Case 3: Sweden - Wildfires
Case 4: Sweden - Temperature extremes
Case 5: Norway - Landslides
Case 6: Norway - Flashfloods
Case 7: Iceland - Avalanches
Case 8: Faroe Islands - Storms
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